Rosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea SocietyRosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea Society


Cosmetics Help Appearance in Some But Aggravate Rosacea in Others

The effects of cosmetics on rosacea can vary widely from helping appearance to aggravating the condition, according to a new survey by the National Rosacea Society.

Among 921 rosacea patients responding to the survey on cosmetics, 30 percent reported that liquid facial foundation helped their appearance, followed by 19 percent who said pressed powder and 17 percent who said cream foundation helped. Another 17 percent reported powder blush helped, while 14 percent said loose powder and 13 percent reported mineral makeup powder improved appearance.

She Finds the Finishing Touch for Her Rosacea

Nat Dean, a 51-year-old artist, designer and writer from Santa Fe who was diagnosed with rosacea in her late 40s, was among the many rosacea sufferers who feel self-conscious about their appearance during outbreaks -- but not anymore.

Nat said her dermatologist diagnosed her condition when she began to develop a few small pustules on her cheeks, and he prescribed a topical medication that she continues to use to this day. She also applies a special face wash and a rotation of lotions to combat the dry New Mexico climate, in addition to avoiding her rosacea triggers.

Tips for Toning Down Rosacea Redness

One of the biggest daily challenges for rosacea sufferers is keeping their facial redness in check. Here are some ways you can tone down rosacea redness.

  • Try camouflaging makeup. There are several green-tinted foundations, concealer sticks and even green-tinted moisturizers on the market. The green color helps counter the red appearance, and can be used under other skin-tone foundations.

Selecting Cosmetic Products

You don't have to feel like hiding your face the moment your rosacea flares up. Many makeup products, available through the popular cosmetic lines, can help camouflage redness and pimples. Here are some general guidelines for selecting cosmetic products.

  • Choose water-based moisturizers and light, oil-free makeup products.

  • Try a color-correcting prefoundation base in shades of yellow or green to counter redness, or makeup with natural yellow tones. Avoid makeup with pink or orange hues.

Green Makeup Can Help Mask Rosacea's Redness

Green makeup is not only appropriate for Halloween. Rosacea sufferers may find it effective in camouflaging their facial redness, pimples and visible blood vessels, according to Dr. Diane M. Thiboutot, assistant professor, Division of Dermatology, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, during a presentation on difficult rosacea cases at a recent meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.

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